Back pain, especially in the lumbar region, not only takes a toll on our wellbeing, but can also effectively prevent us from performing our daily duties. In order to get rid of persistent discomfort, we usually reach for painkillers and ointments. Unfortunately, they do not always have the desired effect and are not indifferent to our health. In the fight against pain, it is worth breaking the mould by using completely new, yet effective and simple methods.
What for back pain instead of a tablet?
There can be many causes of back pain. They depend not only on the state of health, but also on the age of the patient. Sometimes the pain is acute, sometimes even paralysing. This can be caused by overloading the spine with heavy lifting or by sitting for too long. Sometimes, chronic pain is the result of an underlying disease, such as osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. To help, you can use painkillers or warming ointments that reduce muscle tension. Sometimes, however, it’s worth experiencing simple, natural and modern back pain relief treatments that you can do in your own home. Here is our answer to what to use for back pain.Movement is health – stretching exercises
Although exercise is the last thing on our minds when it comes to pain, if done properly, it can make you feel better. If you are experiencing pain in your lumbar spine, there is a good chance that stretching exercises will bring relief… to your buttocks. The glenohumeral muscle located there, or rather its dysfunction, causes pain not only in the lumbar spine, but also in the hip and the buttock itself. Check out this video, which shows interesting exercises to reduce the dysfunction of this muscle.Relaxing in the bath
There is no need to use a warming ointment to relax your muscles – and thus relieve the pain-generating tension. A hot bath can do the same: it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the body. To enhance the effectiveness of this treatment, it is advisable to add a little bath salts or relaxing lavender oil to the water. After the bath, it is a good idea to lie down in bed, preferably on your back. This way, back pain will be relieved and you will be at full strength, even after a short nap. Aromatic baths in medicinal herbs, such as lavender, chamomile or sage, can also have great effects. Simply mix sea salt or rock salt with the aforementioned dried herbs and add it to the bath.Soothing ice packs
Instead of applying a cooling ointment to the painful parts of the body, we can prepare a homemade compress. This type of pain management is not only more economical, but also in harmony with nature. Cold compresses made of ice cubes quickly bring relief and can be applied as many times a day as needed. However, physiotherapists point out that this type of treatment can only have the desired effect up to 72 hours after the injury has occurred.When to use cold packs
Cold packs (or cryotherapy) are used for acute injuries – caused by a bump, sprain or fall, as they reduce swelling and pain. Ice shrinks the vessels, which reduces internal bleeding in the area. Cold compresses are also used to treat injuries resulting from fatigue or chronic pain in sports people. For example, runners often use knee wraps after each intense workout. So if your back pain is due to sitting at a computer for long periods of time, a cold compress would be the wrong solution.Warming compress
Warming ointment, on the other hand, can be substituted for a self-made compress made of cling film and gauze. Simply soak the material lightly in warm water and apply to the sore area. To enhance the effect of the compress, wrap the gauze in cling film so that the heat does not escape. Alternatively, a hot-water bottle can be applied to the body. However, we do not recommend the use of cold and hot compresses on your own without first consulting a physiotherapist or doctor. Inappropriate use of these types of compresses may worsen your condition instead of improving it.When to use warm compresses
We will use warm compresses in the case of chronic injuries that are not associated with swelling. They come in handy when we want to relax tense muscles (hence their high effectiveness for back pain), but also after exertion, stress, indigestion and even intestinal indisposition, which can cause smooth muscle tension. Don’t forget that tensions of these muscles also have an effect on back pain. On the other hand, warm compresses should not be applied after exercise or immediately after an injury, as they raise the temperature and increase blood circulation. The compresses should be warm – with a temperature in the region of 35-40 degrees Celsius. A common mistake is to use hot compresses.A simple way to deal with back pain?
As you can see, to deal with back pain, even the most persistent, we don’t always have to turn to pharmaceuticals. Natural methods not only cost almost nothing, but are also healthier and in harmony with nature. Importantly, we can carry out the individual treatments ourselves, without leaving home. It is a well-known fact that genius lies in simplicity. For this reason, vibrotherapy treatments may also prove to be beneficial for back pain. This is one of the few physical therapy treatments that you can perform at home yourself – due to the availability of equipment, but also the lack of side effects and a very short list of medical contraindications.