We have undertaken to introduce you to the topic of autoimmune diseases, which is extremely broad and no less important. For this reason, we have divided this topic into 2 parts. We invite you to read the first part of the article on autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmune diseases – what are they and whom do they affect?

Autoimmune diseases are increasingly common diseases. They are already considered to be diseases of civilization. It is estimated that, after cardiovascular diseases and cancer, they are the third most common group of diseases in the population of western industrialized countries.

Overall, women are much more commonly affected (78-85% of all cases) and the total human population affected by autoimmune diseases may be as high as 8%.

They are characterized by a chronic condition and are so far considered incurable, but researchers from all over the world are still carrying out further studies to understand the mechanism of these diseases.

In the course of these diseases, a distinction is made between an acute state, which is accompanied by inflammation in the body and an increase in the symptoms of the disease in question, and a state of remission, when the disease quiets down and the symptoms disappear.

The lymphatic system – how does our body’s greatest defender work?? 

The task of our body’s immune system is to defend against all kinds of pathogens and to fight those that have managed to get through the protective barrier.

Every human being, at birth, already possesses his or her own immune system. This is known as innate immunity. Its main task is to block the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body.

With age, each of us also develops specific, or acquired, immunity. It is produced through contact with the pathogen. The cells of the lymphatic system have the ability to constantly learn, remember and recognise microorganisms, so that when they come into contact with a pathogen again, they know how to deal with it and can effectively combat the ‘intruder’. This task belongs mainly to B and T lymphocytes – these are white blood cells produced in the bone marrow, but only B lymphocytes remain there and mature. T lymphocytes develop in the thymus (hence their designation ‘T’).

A properly functioning immune system can recognise ‘hostile’ cells almost unerringly and immediately begins to annihilate them.

However, what happens when the immune system is disturbed and the body starts fighting its own healthy cells…?

We are then dealing with an autoimmune disease of the body. Unfortunately, to this day, despite many studies, scientists have not been able to determine why our body picks a fight with its healthy cells. It is suspected that genetic factors, environmental factors, diet, prolonged stress and disorders of the intestinal microflora may be involved.

Autoimmune diseases are not curable – only symptoms can be alleviated and the process delayed.

But what happens when the work of this system is disrupted and the body starts to fight its own healthy cells…?

We are then dealing with an autoimmune disease of the body. Unfortunately, to date, despite many studies, scientists have not been able to determine why our body picks a fight with its healthy cells. It is suspected that genetic factors, environmental factors, diet, prolonged stress and disorders of the intestinal microflora may be involved.

Autoimmune diseases are not curable – only symptoms can be alleviated and the process delayed.


Classification of autoimmune diseases

We can divide autoimmune diseases into two subgroups:

Autoimmunologiczne choroby układowe:

Affect multiple organs and entire systems in the body. The most common systemic autoimmune disease is systemic lupus erythematosus. This disease affects the skin, kidneys, nervous system, liver and even the respiratory system.

Organ-specific autoimmune diseases:

Usually involves one specific organ. Examples include thyroid diseases, such as Hashimoto’s disease, where the thyroid cells are attacked.



As autoimmune diseases can affect almost every system of our body, it is not possible to clearly attribute the symptoms that may accompany these conditions.

Worrying symptoms we may include:

  • chronic fatigue,
  • increased tiredness
  • fever or sub-fever
  • muscle and joint pain
  • various skin rashes
  • weight fluctuations unrelated to diet
  • increased thirst

The most common autoimmune diseases

The list of autoimmune diseases is very long. Today, doctors know of more than 80 different types of autoimmune conditions.

Among the most common of these we can include:

  • Type I diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Coeliac disease
  • Psoriasis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Vitiligo
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Hashimoto’s disease
  • Graves-Basedow disease

If you are interested in this topic, please visit the second part of the article: https://www.wibroterapia.com/en/autoimmune-diseases-what-we-know-about-them-part-ii



  1. https://fizjoterapeuty.pl/choroby/choroby-autoimmunologiczne.html
  2. https://www.przychodniasynexus.pl/choroby-autoimmunologiczne-rodzaje-diagnostyka/
  3. Schaenzler N., Breitenberger M., Choroby autoimmunologiczne pod kontrolą, Esteri, 2020
  4. Szczeblowska D. i wsp., Choroby autoimmunizacyjne w praktyce lekarskiej, Pediatr Med Rodz 2011, 7 (3), p. 218-222
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3270541/



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